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Interface Design

Discover how our interface design can streamline and revolutionize your digital solutions.

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    What does the service entail?

    Interface design at IT-solve focuses on creating intuitive, aesthetic, and functional user interfaces (UI) that facilitate interaction between the user and your digital product. Our design processes are centered around understanding the needs of end-users and providing them with optimal experiences.

    What benefits will you gain from this service?

    Intuitive interfaces

    Facilitate navigation and access to key functions, enhancing overall usability.

    Personalized experiences

    Tailored to specific industry needs, including logistics, transportation and supply chain.

    Increased operational efficiency

    Enable faster and more precise tasks through well-designed interfaces.

    Improved customer satisfaction

    Attractive and functional interfaces increase user satisfaction.

    Increased user retention

    Well-designed UI can significantly reduce bounce rates.

    Conversion rate improvement

    Aesthetic and functional interfaces contribute to better business outcomes.

    Implementation process

    Needs recognition

    Understanding your business goals and user expectations.


    Creating initial interface sketches.

    Visual design

    Developing an aesthetic interface design consistent with your brand.


    Creating interactive prototypes for functionality testing.

    User testing

    Verifying interface intuitiveness and effectiveness.

    Iteration and optimization

    Incorporating feedback-driven improvements.

    Why IT-solve?

    By choosing IT-solve, you opt for experience, innovation, and personalization. Our team of UI/UX experts ensures that each project is tailored to the unique needs of your industry and meets the expectations of end-users.

    Industries we serve

    Specialization in industries

    We offer specialized solutions for the logistics, transportation, and supply chain industries.


    Interfaces for fleet management and transportation logistics optimization.


    Solutions facilitating supply chain management.

    Supply Chain

    Digital solutions for supply chain process optimization.

    Technologies we work with

    We utilize the latest technologies and design tools to deliver solutions that are not only visually appealing but also technologically advanced.

    AWS Lambda






    AWS EC2


    Google Maps



    MS SQL

    Munic Car Data




    ZF Transics








    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How long does the interface design process take?

    The duration of the interface design process depends on various factors such as project complexity, functional requirements, and customization scope. This process can take from several weeks to several months. It is essential to establish a project schedule upfront, encompassing all key stages from analysis and prototyping to testing and finalization.

    2. How can I engage in the design process?

    You can engage in the design process by participating in design workshops, joining brainstorming sessions, reviewing and providing feedback on prototypes and interface drafts. It is crucial to actively communicate your needs and expectations regarding the project, enabling the design team to better understand your requirements and tailor the interface to your needs.

    3. Can I see a prototype of the interface before its finalization?

    Yes, during the design process, you will see a prototype of the interface before its finalization. Prototyping is a crucial stage that allows visualization of interface ideas and functionalities. Prototypes are typically presented to clients for feedback and necessary modifications before proceeding to the finalization stage.

    4. What elements can I customize in the interface?

    In the interface, you can customize a range of elements such as component layout, color palette, typography, iconography, navigation elements and interactive features. Customizing these elements allows for the creation of a cohesive and intuitive user interface that meets the needs and expectations of end-users.

    5. How are user interfaces tested?

    User interfaces are tested using various methods, including usability testing, A/B testing, user behavior analysis and feedback from the target audience. These tests help identify potential usability and ergonomics issues with the interface and adjust it to user expectations. It is important for the testing process to be iterative, allowing continuous improvement of the interface based on collected data and feedback.

    Start your transformation with IT-solve

    Contact us to learn more about how we can support your business in achieving global goals.


    What our clients say

    Opinions and recommendations from our business partners who have trusted our solutions.

    Bartosz Dwojna

    Project Manager in Sweco Consulting Sp. z o.o.

    Choosing IT-Solve turned out to be a bullseye. A highly competent and flexible team that, before starting the implementation, strives to fully understand not only the Client’s needs but also the broader context. Their full support, as well as valuable insights, enabled the project to be completed within the set timeframe and budget. I can recommend IT-Solve as a reliable and committed partner.


    Jakub Wójtowicz

    Account Manager in Brand Backup

    We are very satisfied with the cooperation with IT-Solve. The product fully met our expectations. Devoid of flaws, exactly as we expected. Cooperation at a very high level.


    Artur Ochman

    CEO in Gamuza Sp. z o.o.

    IT-SOLVE specialists demonstrate a very high level of commitment, experience, and professionalism. They possess extensive technical knowledge in the area of designing and implementing business processes. IT-solve is a very reliable and trustworthy technological partner.


    Completed projects

    Our clients’ successes

    Use cases of our solutions in practice that contributed to the success and growth of our clients.