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Mobile App Development

Transform the world of logistics, transportation, and supply chain with our mobile applications.

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    What does the service entail?

    The mobile app development service at IT-solve includes designing, developing and deploying applications for mobile devices that streamline business operations, improve data accessibility and optimize communication. Our team utilizes the latest technologies and methodologies to deliver applications that meet end-user expectations and business goals.

    What benefits will you gain from this service?

    Real-time data availability

    Access key information from anywhere, at any time.

    Business process optimization

    Enhance operations with mobile solutions.

    Enhanced customer satisfaction

    Improve service quality through quick access to information and services.

    Efficient resource management

    Better control over fleets and inventory with mobile applications.

    Increased employee productivity

    Quick access to tools and data needed in the field.

    Innovation and modernity

    Stand out in the market with modern mobile solutions.

    Implementation process

    Needs and requirements analysis

    Understanding your business and technical goals.

    UX/UI design

    Creating user interface designs focused on user needs.


    Application programming using modern technologies.


    Checking functionality, performance, and security.


    Publishing the application on the App Store and Google Play.

    Support and development

    Providing ongoing support and application updates.

    Why IT-solve?

    By choosing IT-solve, you opt for a partner with experience in delivering high-quality mobile applications that translate into real business benefits. Our industry and technological knowledge enable us to create solutions that truly make a difference.

    Industries we serve

    Specialization in industries

    We offer specialized solutions for the logistics, transportation, and supply chain industries.


    Applications for transportation and fleet management.


    Mobile logistics management.

    Supply Chain

    Mobile solutions for the supply chain.

    Technologies we work with

    Our applications are built using the latest technologies, ensuring their reliability, scalability and security.

    AWS Lambda






    AWS EC2


    Google Maps



    MS SQL

    Munic Car Data




    ZF Transics








    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How long does the mobile app development process take?

    The time required to develop a mobile application depends on many factors, such as the complexity of the application, the number of features, the technology and the resources allocated to the project. This process can take from several months to even a year. It is important to establish a realistic schedule at the beginning of the project, taking into account all key stages, from analysis and prototyping, through design and programming, to testing and deployment.

    2. Can I update my existing mobile application?

    Yes, an existing mobile application can be updated to add new features, improve usability, or update the user interface. The update process should be planned as part of continuous application development, taking into account user feedback and changing technological and market requirements.

    3. What are the costs associated with mobile app development?

    The costs of mobile app development can vary significantly depending on many factors, such as the complexity of the application, the technologies chosen, the project duration, and the location and experience of the development team. It can cost from several thousand to even several hundred thousand złoty. It is important to accurately define the project scope and obtain a detailed estimate from the developer or development company before starting the project.

    4. How can my company benefit from a mobile application?

    A mobile application can increase the visibility of your brand, facilitate access to your services or products, improve customer engagement, and provide valuable data about user behaviors and preferences. Mobile applications also enable the use of smartphone features such as GPS location, cameras, and push notifications, which can add extra value for users.

    5. How do you ensure data security in a mobile application?

    Data security in a mobile application is ensured by employing best industry practices, such as data encryption, secure password storage, protection against SQL injection attacks and regular software updates. It is also important to comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR and to conduct regular security audits and penetration tests.

    6. Will I receive support after the application is deployed?

    Yes, most development companies offer support after the application is deployed, which may include technical assistance, updates, and development of additional features. It is worth establishing the scope of post-deployment support before starting the project and including it in the agreement with the development company.

    Start your transformation with IT-solve

    Contact us to learn more about how we can support your business in achieving global goals.


    What our clients say

    Opinions and recommendations from our business partners who have trusted our solutions.

    Bartosz Dwojna

    Project Manager in Sweco Consulting Sp. z o.o.

    Choosing IT-Solve turned out to be a bullseye. A highly competent and flexible team that, before starting the implementation, strives to fully understand not only the Client’s needs but also the broader context. Their full support, as well as valuable insights, enabled the project to be completed within the set timeframe and budget. I can recommend IT-Solve as a reliable and committed partner.


    Jakub Wójtowicz

    Account Manager in Brand Backup

    We are very satisfied with the cooperation with IT-Solve. The product fully met our expectations. Devoid of flaws, exactly as we expected. Cooperation at a very high level.


    Artur Ochman

    CEO in Gamuza Sp. z o.o.

    IT-SOLVE specialists demonstrate a very high level of commitment, experience, and professionalism. They possess extensive technical knowledge in the area of designing and implementing business processes. IT-solve is a very reliable and trustworthy technological partner.


    Completed projects

    Our clients’ successes

    Use cases of our solutions in practice that contributed to the success and growth of our clients.